Patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease, age 55-85.
Chronic Migraine:
Patients with chronic migraine, age 18 and above. Patients must keep a daily eDiary (app that will be downloaded onto their phone) of their migraines.
CORRONA MS REGISTRY. All MS patients ≥18 years old who are NOT currently enrolled in clinical trials.
An observational study in patients diagnosed with General Myasthenia Gravis, age 18 and above, who have ever received treatment with complement C5 inhibition therapies (Soliris or Ultomiris).
Patients with symptomatic generalized Myasthenia Gravis
Botox vs. placebo in patients with moderate-to-severe upper limb essential tremor, age 18-80.
Post Stroke Upper Limb Spasticity
28 -week study for patients with post-stroke upper limb spastcity, age 18-80.