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Stroke is the fifth most common cause of death in the United States, and those who survive often require extensive rehabilitation. Dayton Center for Neurological Disorders (DCND) experts treat acute strokes in the hospital emergency room and provide post stroke care at the offices in Dayton, Centerville, Springfield, Eaton, Wilmington, Hillsboro, and Beavercreek. Patients requiring the team’s specialized care should seek a referral from their health care provider, and then the DCND team will call you to arrange an appointment.
A stroke occurs when your brain lacks oxygen, usually due to a blocked or ruptured blood vessel. Time is critical to stroke care, so call 911 immediately if you suspect you or a loved one is having one. Dayton Center for Neurological Disorders neurologists cover stroke care at several area hospitals.
Remember the acronym FAST to recognize stroke symptoms:
Other stroke symptoms include sudden numbness/weakness in your face, arm, or leg, typically on one side of your body, and a severe headache. You might have trouble balancing and walking and sudden confusion or problems understanding others.
Yes, there are two types of strokes. Ischemic strokes are the most common. They’re caused by an arterial blockage in the blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood to your brain, typically due to clots in the carotid artery. The most common underlying cause of ischemic strokes is carotid artery disease (CAD) due to high cholesterol that narrows the arteries.
Hemorrhagic strokes occur when a brain artery ruptures or leaks blood. The bleeding puts excessive pressure on your brain cells and damages them. Hypertension (high blood pressure) and aneurysms (weakened arteries that balloon with blood) cause hemorrhagic strokes.
Many people suffer a transient ischemic attack (TIA) first. TIAs are due to a temporary blockage in the brain’s blood flow. They don’t cause permanent damage but are a warning sign for future major strokes.
At the hospital, your doctor evaluates your medical history and asks about your symptoms. Brain scans help them determine what kind of stroke you had. Treatments include:
If you have an ischemic stroke and get to the hospital within 4.5 hours, doctors can use tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) to clear a blood clot if you are a candidate.
Endovascular procedures treat some ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Your doctor inserts a small catheter (flexible tube) in a major artery to guide a device that removes clots, repairs damage, and prevents bleeding.
Patients sometimes require neurosurgery to fit a metal clip on an aneurysm. This helps to control the bleeding after a hemorrhagic stroke.
Strokes typically require neurorehabilitation afterward to help you regain lost function.
To seek post stroke care from the team at Dayton Center for Neurological Disorders talk to your primary care physician about obtaining a referral. Then the team will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.