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DCND is closely monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Ohio. We take your health seriously and want you to know we are taking extra measures to ensure our waiting areas and exam rooms are disinfected frequently. Per CDC guidelines, your provider may also limit the amount of unnecessary contact including handshakes. We continue to follow recommendations from the CDC and Ohio Department of Health. If you or your caregiver are exhibiting signs such as a fever, cough, or sore throat, please call us to re-schedule your appointment. Please see below for the latest information from the CDC concerning this outbreak. Because this situation is constantly changing, we will continue to update you here.
During this outbreak we will continue to provide neurological care that is essential to our patients. We are seeing patients in the office and via Virtual Visit. Please note not all providers are seeing patients virtually and your age and reason for visit will determine how it will be conducted. Our staff will communicate this with you during appointment scheduling and confirmation.
If you have a question or concern about your appointment, please call us at 937-439-6186 or message our clinical team through your patient portal.
We have implemented the following office rules to help keep you and our staff safe during this time.
You and your family’s health and safety continue to be our top priority.
According to the CDC, “an exposure” is considered any person that has been in close contact (less than 6 feet) with a person with known symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 for a period of 15 minutes or more.
If you answer “yes” to this question, we will be happy to reschedule you.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you are required to isolate for 10 days from the positive result (if no symptoms), or 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
We no longer require two negative tests before a patient can return to the practice as the CDC states that a person can test positive for COVID-19 for up to 90 days after testing positive the first time due to the antibodies in their system. As long as a minimum of 10 days has passed and the patient has had no temperature for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving, they are able to attend the appointment.
If you have been directly exposed to someone that has tested positive with COVID-19, you are asked to quarantine for 14 days from the last exposure. If the exposure was more than 14 days ago and they have no symptoms you can keep your appointment without rescheduling.