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Dr. Drew Dula has always been a learner. Whether it’s playing piano or drums, teaching himself how to master craft cocktails or balancing the delicate ecosystem of a saltwater fish tank. He is always learning new things! That drive has also suited him well in the medical field, especially neurology.
“There have been so many advances in medicine and there is more we can do for the chronic conditions we treat every day. There are new ways to help people and it never gets boring.”
Dr. Dula grew up in Sioux City, Iowa. His grandmother helped introduce him to music, his first true passion.
“I love the creative expression it provides.” said Dr. Dula.
He figured out that going into music for a career was not for him and majored in biology and psychology instead. He and his family have navigated health issues since he was very young, so a hospital and doctors were not scary to him…they were fascinating.
“I’ve always been comfortable with the medical world. It has been a part of my life since I was born.” said Dr. Dula
Dr. Dula completed his undergraduate degree at Briarcliff College and then went on to medical school at Kansas City University where he met his wife, Sarah.
“She was pre-med at the time and has since completed her residency in Dayton and practices family medicine.”
Neurology seemed to fit him well. He liked the puzzle and putting everything together for the patient.
“My goal is to make them comfortable and meet them where they are at. I want to educate my patients, so they leave better informed than when they got there. Neurology leaves a lot of chronic medical conditions you cannot cure, but we can increase quality of life and that is my mission,” said Dr. Dula.
In his free time, Dr. Dula keeps busy with all his hobbies. He has now turned to writing more music and still can rock on the drums when the opportunity arises. Dr. Dula loves traveling and hanging out with his wife. He has two cats: Olie and Presto and two Dogs: Lazlo and Finn.
Dr. Dula sees general neurology patients at our Beavercreek office. He is heavily involved with teaching future neurologists and serves as the assistant program director for the neurology residency at Grandview Medical Center (Kettering Health Dayton).